A review by didsreads
What the Body Remembers by Shauna Singh Baldwin


I do not need to understand words to know he is disappointed I am not a boy. Some things need no translation. And I know, because my body remembers without benefit of words, that men who do not welcome girl-babies will not treasure me as I grow to woman --though he call me princess just because the Gurus told him to.

I have come so far, I have borne so much pain and emptiness!
But men have not yet changed.

Every woman has her own kismat.

Oh the perils of being a female, giving birth to one.

During India partition, two women married to the same man.
- because of course, men need sons.

I was fully invested with the drama between the wives, the inside turmoil of Satya, forty years old first wife feel against Roop,16 years old young bride who sees marriage and children are the only thing every woman should ought to have.

Deeply moved by Satya's pain and Roop's naivety.
Served with rich Indian culture.