A review by git_r_read
City of Dragons by Kelli Stanley


It took me a bit to get into this mystery. I had an issue with the pacing in the beginning. I don't know if it was the narrator's interpretation or just the way the story started. I had it on trusted authority that it was a good book so I kept going. Glad I trusted as the story did indeed get much better.
The setting is San Francisco in 1940. Chinese New Year is underway and the main character, Miranda Corbie, is investigating the death of a young Japanese numbers runner. Miranda is a private investigator but no one has hired her to find who killed the young man. She just feels compelled to find the answers.
The atmosphere is definitely felt in the way the story is written. Racism, sexism, Miranda faces it all headlong. She has contacts everywhere. She is a former escort, so has her finger on the less-than-savory pulse of the crime-ridden underworld. She is tough, gritty, smokes like a freight train but has a warm gruff heart.
I look forward to the rest of the series and anything else Kelli Stanley writes.
Definite recommend.