A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Love Surfaced by Michelle Lynn


Piper grew up in a trio: Piper, her brother, Brad, and Tanner. She has always harbored feelings for Tanner, but refrained since she figured he only saw her as his best friend’s twin sister. But, as most things do, they come to a boiling point in college. The tension ramps up, the ogling becomes naughty, and before she knows it, Tanner is admitting his feelings for her. She’s ecstatic, feeling like her dreams are coming true–but everything changes a short while after they’ve been together. Now, two years later, they’re forced to be around each other again…and that sexual tension is quadruple as bad as it was before. But can she forgive him for what he did?

Tanner is a champion swimmer with big plans to be an Olympian. He wants nothing more than to achieve that–other than Piper. He’s always wanted her, but stayed away because of Brad, feeling like he’d betray his best friend if he crossed that line. Once he finally says, “screw it,” and goes for Piper, he’s all in. They have an explosive coupling…the only problem is that it’s in secret. He keeps it a secret, upon her request, but he itches to claim her to everyone. It’s what he’s wanted for years. But when something threatens his chances at one of his dreams, it becomes what rips them apart. When he sees Piper again two years later, he’s not willing to give anymore time. But she won’t listen to him, won’t let him explain.

Piper and Tanner’s love story was the kind that I enjoy–the forbidden, “he’s my brother’s best friend,” kind. The ultimate tale of hidden touches, and secretive glances. Secrets and lies just to be together. While I enjoyed the premise, I did, at times, have trouble connecting with the writing. I felt like I was reading on the surface, if that makes sense, instead of being inside the story. The first part was slow in that manner, but once they part, it’s like Ms. Lynn hit her stride. Things began to get more interesting and I was able to get more invested in it. I think what’s most appealing is that you see them just before, during, and after their relationship. The point where they’re struggling with their remaining attraction and they are trying incredibly hard to push it down because of what’s happened between them in the past, and being able to still hold that sexual tension along with your attention without it stringing out too far…I felt it hit that just right. A tension-filled romance of two childhood friends finally getting what they’ve always wanted, even with some bumps along the way.

**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**