A review by kathydavie
The Body in the Cast by Katherine Hall Page


Fifth in the Faith Fairchild cooking mystery as this amateur sleuth investigates between catering jobs, family, and her minister husband.

My Take
Well, duh, it took forever for me to figure out the relevance on the so-very obvious title! My first thoughts were broken arms, etc.

It's interesting but those shallow dips into the behind-the-scenes action of both the film and the campaign were ho-hum. Then the acceptance and rejection by John Dunne of Faith's detective abilities.

It's an enjoyable read, but not one of my favorites in the Faith Fairchild series.

The Story
Have Faith up and running shortly after Amy's birth with a job catering to a movie crew shooting a new interpretation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter. With luck, Have Faith will survive those claims of poison!

A whole new can of worms opens up for the citizens of Aleford when an unexpected election is required.

The Characters
Faith Fairchild has started up Have Faith now that Amy is born. Ben is her brother. The Reverend Tom Fairchild is Faith's husband.

John Dunne is a detective lieutenant with the state police force.

The Title
The title is about the film crew when The Body in the Cast shows up.