A review by see_sadie_read
Inheritance by Jacqueline Seewald


Not particularly original or well done. Characterization depends far too heavily on stereotypes. Names are used far too often in dialogue to feel natural, and names in the narrative are often first and last throughout the book, also not feeling natural.

There are two romances, where only one is needed. The first progresses only in that they clear up a misunderstanding from high school (one that was very obvious and persisted because they never spoke to one another again, despite being in the same class), but suddenly they're all marriage and babies. The second, which is unneeded, seems to exist only to put the woman in the far too overused position of choosing between her successful and hard earned career and the love of a good man. Nope, I've neeevvvvveeerrr seen that used in a book before. Nope, it's not trite and patriarchal. Nope, it doesn't piss me off every time I see it. Oh wait, yes it does.

I figured the villain out literally the first time they showed up in the novel. Literally the first time, it's that obvious.

All and all, a flop for me. The book does have a pretty cover though.