A review by sydnapped
Aliens: Fast Track to Heaven by Liam Sharp


I'm sorry, is this a joke?

Out of fear that my review may run longer than the content of this entire book, i aim to keep it succinct.

Lots of problems with this cursory story beginning with it's impoverished and incomplete plot.

That any Aliens fan would give this story a stellar review is a travesty, and frankly I am disappointed in Dark Horse and the writer and in anyone who willingly attached themselves to this project only to deliver one of the most inadequate, perfunctory, immature stories in the Aliens series.

The book description used in all its promotions includes a buildup talk about Europa, "Deep beneath the ice of Jupiter's moon Europa" etc, etc. but, for them to allude so much about Europa, there is just not enough shown!

Supposedly, according to the (generous) description, a lot of things are going on inside this book. Realistically, the official book description IS essentially the entire content, but told better than what's actually within this graphic novel.

My summary -

PROS: The artwork in "Fast Track" is really the only salvation, having a true gritty feel, with interesting illustrations that cast hues to set the mood; could have been real creepy with a better narration. I give the one star for the art alone.

CONS: Hardly a novella, the hardcover is thicker than the content, and the lack of content cheapens this read, making it quite unworthy of a hardcover at all. The planet's underexposure was a major issue for me, along with undeveloped and confusing characters.

What a waste of a book, this incomplete story leaves too many unanswered questions with all it's discrepancies and diminishes the reader's experience. Overall, I cannot in good conscience recommend this book.