A review by shealwaysreads
The Athlete by Elin Peer


Elin Peer has not only used her creative juices to give the readers what they wanted but she also managed to excel in her own work.

I didn’t think that it was possible for the series to keep on improving, but nothing is slower her down and The Athlete, book 8 of the men of the north series will not disappoint. Dare I say that it is by far my favorite of the series.

While I was sure that it would follow the usual path that I’ve come to adore enjoy of opposites attract, Hunter and Emanuela’s start seems that way. The more the story developed the more you saw that this is not the case with Book 8.

I enjoyed the added touches of a reminder that this takes place in the future with the theme park and the mentions of technological breakthroughs from our former cast member Shelly of The Genius (Men of the North, Book 6)

With The Athlete have the very common sport (soccer) being a major role in the novel I was interestedly see how both sides of the border would treat the sport and was pleased with both ways repressing the nation they played for.

The chemistry between our main characters was spot on. The banter and confusion they faced kept me laughing but also gave me an overall feeling satisfied and in awe.

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