A review by captwinghead
A Very DC Rebirth Holiday by Paul Dini, Scott Snyder, Tom King


The whole thing gets a 3.5 but Superman & Batman in "The Last Minute" gets 5 stars.

These were enjoyable. Not gonna lie, I read this mostly (ok entirely) for the Jon and Damian story which is the one I gave 5 stars. It was incredibly cute! You get such a great feel for the relationship between Damian and Jon and how that's progressed. There's an adorable Jingle All the Way esque subplot with Clark trying to buy the toy Jon really wants on Christmas Eve. He can't get it because Damian buys the last one and gives it to Jon. So incredibly cute! Also, there's also an adorable moment where Clark asks Bruce if he would like to play. Loved this!

The others weren't memorable enough to really like or dislike. "For The Dog Who Has Everything" was clearly a metaphor for Jon maybe feeling distant from his Kryptonian heritage. It was okay but nothing that really moved me.

Batman &a Detective Chimp "The Night We Saved Christmas" did absolutely nothing for me.

Wonder Woman &a Constantine in "Dreaming of a White Christmas" was pretty good. Not a lot was done with Diana. There's a interlude where she talks about the holiday traditions on Themyscira and that was great! I wish I could've gotten more of that.

Flash "A Flash Christmas Carol" reads like a typical storyline I would expect from the Christmas filler ep on the CW show. I'm surprised no one said "God bless us everyone one" at the end.

New Super-Man in "Day of Returning" was intriguing. I definitely want to check that character out.

Batwoman "Light In Dark", the writing for Kate felt stilted which made me sad because I was actually interested in the plot.

The Titans "What a Year For a New Year" was pretty okay. Roy talking about his addiction was moving.

Batgirl & Nightwing "I Don't Wanna Be Late" was cute but literally a footnote. Not sure why they even bothered including it.

Green Lanterns "The Epiphany" was Simon and Jessica going through trials to prove they can be Green Lanterns. Full confession, I've never been interested in Green Lantern stories. No matter who's holding the ring, I'm just not that interested. That being said, I'm sure there's something here for people who are interested in the Green Lantern.