A review by mistysbookspace
Each Little Lie by Tom Bale


I want to thank Bookouture for providing me a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

This was actually the first book I have read by this author and I ended up really enjoying it. The premise of this story is pretty unrealistic for most people but honestly who really knows how they will react in a similar situations until they are faced with the choice. Also since this is a work of fiction it doesn't really bother me especially since Bale was able to make it come across as believable.

Most of this book is told from Jens POV which I really enjoyed. You get a few chapters here and there from some other perspectives which at first caught me off guard because I was reading from Jens POV and then all of a sudden like 8 chapters in it was something else altogether and it was like I was reading 2 different stories but luckily it all came together and made since. By far I enjoyed reading from Jens POV the most.

Jen is a single parent and she's such a strong fierce female character and all around good person which I give Bale credit for writing a great female lead character. One thing that seemed a little out of character for Jen was how fast she started doubting herself. It actually kind of got on my nerves because it was like every time she would see something she would second guess herself and be like maybe I didn't actually see it and I am losing my mind. I understand what she was going through could make anyone go a little crazy but this happened right from the get go.

Pretty much every man in this novel except for Charlie and Jens dad are douche bags of some sort. The only male character who sort of redeemed himself was Charlie's dad Freddie but I still feel like he needs to grow a pair. There was one other character who is actually just a side character but he stood out to me because he was an amputee. There wasn't really much to his character but I loved the small inclusion of an amputee because I myself am and amputee if you didn't know.

One other thing I am not entirely sure how I feel about it is how it ended. The only thing I will say is that I was left feeling like there wasn't any justice really. After reading the authors note I completely understand but I really wanted to see a particular character get what was coming to them.

This is a slow burn mystery/thriller that is suspenseful and full of twists that kept me hooked from the very beginning and on the edge of my seat with anticipation and I would definitely recommend you give this book a try if it interests you.