A review by andye_reads
Extremities: Stories of Death, Murder, and Revenge by David Lubar


I am a lover of short stories. I love how much suspense a skilled author can pack into so few pages. I myself have written several short stories, and I have a lot of fun doing it. So to me, there's something extremely attractive about a book of horror short stories. And sure enough, I had started this book the minute that I received it in the mail.
Here's the thing about these stories: About half of them are completely action-packed, while the other half is... well, not. But this is in no way a bad thing; the stories that aren't action-ish are the ones that are incredibly smart, and really get you thinking. And I think I prefer those over the monster-hunting-people-down stories. The stories that subtly send a chill up your spine, leaving more of the horror to speculation rather than spelling it out murder by gruesome murder. The stories that keep me awake at night the most are the ones that aren't straight forward, but the ones that hint at something awful, leaving my imagination to do the rest of the work. So if you're looking for a book with monsters-hunting-people-down stories, this is a great book for you to read. But if you're like me and you prefer the thought-provoking stories that just beg you to think about think about them late at night, this is a fantastic book for you to read. I'm going to be recommending this book to any of my friends who enjoy a bit of horror. It was a quick, but great read.
