A review by pattireadsalot
Deer Man: Seven Years Living with Deer in the Wild by Geoffroy Delorme


A super unique book, I loved hearing about the author's adventures with the gorgeous Roe deer. While I believed the story, I would have liked a little extra detail on how such a venture was feasible. There was mention of the body adapting, some vague references to sleeping, clothing, and coming back to civilization for essentials, but it was scant on logistics. The translation was also clunky in places, but I'm just happy this book exists. The interspersed up close shots of his wildlife friends were amazing. I adore animals and think they're miraculous creatures, so do my best ethically through diet and actions to cause the least amount of harm. I will never understand the cruel hunting for sport, and the memoir highlights how nature would cull the population naturally without the need for hunting if we would stop justifying our interference. Sadly, most never will out of selfishness and following family traditions.