A review by grauspitz
Get Lost, Odysseus! by Kate McMullan


I must admit, this book had me quietly laughing at points and I couldn't help but admire the accuracy it held to the original myth it was based off of, The Odyssey. It skipped over certain parts, was told from an entirely different perspective but it was still a good summary of the Odyssey as it was meant to be. A summary of the rather long epic poem for children.

While at times I felt like having Hades as the narrator added to the story, for the most part I didn't really see a point to it being him of all people. I suspect if I bothered to pick up the rest of the books in the series I would know, but at the moment I feel no inkling to.

Speaking of the rest of the series, this appears to be a series that doesn't need to be read in order, like I have done. In the end though it is a good introduction for children to the popular myth that is the Odyssey.