A review by judithdcollins
Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro


Julia Fierro’s Cutting Teeth is a tale of a group of thirty-something parents in New York City, linked by their children’s playgroup, for endless soap opera high-drama family dysfunction.

This group of adults (seemed more like spoiled children), are off to spend Labor Day Weekend at a beach house on Long Island. It was all I could do to finish with all the whining and complaining. I was feeling sorry for the kids-a little. In the beginning it was kind of funny and insightful, but then went downhill.

Can you image these miserable people in a house together? I would not want to be anywhere near this place. So you have five pre-school children, an infant, and a pregnant mother. After you read the below personalities – you cannot even imagine.

Nichole – parents own the home, a successful author and instructor, paralyzed by her phobias and fears and over protectiveness (completely wacked – in between smoking dope). She is obsessed with everything (especially the fixation on a rumor that a major attack will happen in New York City over the holiday weekend and what she does to prepare)—unbelievable!.

Rip— About the only one worth liking out of the bunch. The father in the playgroup. He likes to think he is one of them, but most men do not feel all that great in this type of situation (as typically the wife is all controlling). Grace is the breadwinner and refuses to consider having a second child, so Rip can continue being a stay-at-home dad. However, Hank is growing very sensitive and so needy.

Leigh – Seems together, (not) a former debutante, dealing with serious money problems and a secret that could ruin her. Leigh's son, Chase, is sweet but developmentally challenged, adding to the strain of her marriage. Without her nanny, she would lose it.

Allie and Susanna- Newlyweds, parents of twin boys. Susanna is pregnant with a third child and resents that she put her art career on hold for motherhood to allow Allie's career to continue to thrive, while Allie isn't sure she's cut out for motherhood or the domesticity of married life. (hello, grow up).

Tiffany- Mother with the only daughter in the playgroup. Again not a likable character, selfish, manipulative, gossips, plays them against one another, flirts with Rip, and believes in breastfeeding until they go off to school, pushes organics, and totally overbearing. (sounds like a person you want to stay clear of).

Of course when people get together in one house, drinks are poured, and true feeling come out, secrets are revealed, relationships are testing, and fears exposed, while one is crazy with worry the world is coming to an end. Total madness!

Not really sure how you would classify the genre, as this is one group of flawed and troubled parents; while people wonder why children behave so badly. I guess this novel may appeal to the younger generation, as possibly these fictional lives would be worse than theirs for a bit of twisted humor; however, I for one could barely make it through the book.

I would love the author write something different, in order to really see her writing style when it is not buried beneath all the drama, behaviors, and attitude of these annoying characters. Sorry, this debut fell flat for me and not my cup of tea. Cannot recommend.