A review by glennisleblanc
A Fantasy Medley 3 by Kevin Hearne, Jacqueline Carey, Aliette de Bodard, Yanni Kuznia, Laura Bickle


This short story collection has three stories set in previously written worlds and one in a new setting. Kevin Hearne’s story is set in his Iron Druid series and has Atticus telling his apprentice the story of how he met Shakespeare. So this is a perfectly good sample for the series. I hadn’t read Laura Bickle before but after reading this story that is also set in a multi book series, it left me wanting to know more about the world and find out about the characters. The Aliette de Bodard story is set as a prequel story that needs no info about the novel’s universe it is set in. The last story by Jacqueline Carey seems to be a standalone story and the world is fleshed out enough that I would like to see more in this setting to find out how the society came to be.

All in all, a good collection of stories and well worth the time and money to track down and read. I already have my copy on order.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley