A review by hcq
You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You by Jennifer Baumgartner


Not bad. It didn't teach me any specific style points I didn't already know (how to dress my age, why it's better to spend on quality, a few good pieces are better than tons of crap) but it did give me a different way to look what I owned, and why I own/wear it.

I did have a couple of specific problems, though. I tend to dress in a pretty conservative/preppy style, and that look really doesn't change much, over time. A polo shirt today is pretty much the same as a polo shirt from twenty (or heck, even fifty) years ago. So, when she asks, "Is your wardrobe dated? Do you have clothes that are five or ten years old?" The answer is no, and yes at the same time. I take reasonably good care of my clothes, so yes, some of them have lasted rather a while, but it's hard to call a khaki skirt or cabled sweater "dated" (unless it's cut or fitted weirdly, which mine aren't).

The author offers ten chapters, each featuring a person with a different problem, and I didn't really see myself in any one of them. Bits of a couple, but overall, no. She also offers some generalities which just didn't work for me: For example, she says women should wear higher heels to give themselves confidence (within their ability to walk gracefully in them). Sounds good, except for the woman who was the gawky tall kid in school, and who still hates, hates feeling taller than others.

Cough, cough.