A review by ladiicatherine
Maverick by Cheryl Brooks

I'm not going to rate this one because I don't think it would be fair. As per my new rule, I read a third of this Sci-fi Romance (I know it's labelled as Paranormal Romance, but I can't see it in those terms) book by Cheryl Brooks and decided that I don't want to finish it. Let me start by saying that I think, from what I read, that Cheryl Brooks is a great writer. She's also highly imaginative, clearly! However, as I was sitting and reading, I kept getting the feeling that there was something I was missing entirely. The way the story was set up, I felt as though the author was talking in terms and about places that I should already have known about or should already have been familiar with and I was left clueless. Intrigued, but clueless After doing a quick search, it seems that Cheryl Brooks already wrote a series of books centered around the Zetithian race! Perhaps I should have started with that first set of books to familiarize myself with everything. I mean, I think this can be read separate from the previous series based on the Zetithian race and within the same world but for those that prefer to get the full picture from the very beginning and who can easily sense that there is something missing, maybe go back and start with that other series first and then move to this one!