A review by chelsealaurenauthor
Addict by Matt Doyle


Matt Doyle has created a world, in which, technological advances are more a part of everyday use than they are today. His future thoughts on technology are not so far-fetched, as most of what's written about already exist in some shape or form. 

In New Hopeland, where the novel takes place, there are Virtual Reality addicts, where drug addicts quite literally live in a different dimension when getting high and there are Tech Shifters, who are people who decide they'd be better suited to live a life as an animal. While they don't live this life 24 hours a day, it still is a way that they identify. These are just some of the advances. 

We're introduced to Cassie Tam, who is a private investigator. She's known for taking cases that the local police department writes off, and even some that they've "investigated" but maybe not to the furthest potential, enter storyline here.

Lori Redwood is a Tech Shifter who by day is a human woman and in her downtime, she shifts into a panther. Her brother, on the other hand, is considered a Virtual Reality Addict, who has been found dead at the beginning of the book. However, Lori doesn't believe that her brother overdosed like the police department claims. So she hires Cassie to help her investigate further.

It's a fascinating concept, with the development of this world as its base, and then creating this complex storyline on top. As humans, we often stereotype, so of course, when we hear that a drug addict has been found dead, it's almost always written off as an overdose or suicide. 

Matt Doyle brings you along for the ride of the corrupt world that they live in--but also, far too similar to the corruption happening today. He has you questioning your own stereotypes, debating who you'd be in this world, and on the fence about how you really believe that Lori's brother died. You're introduced to relationships that Cassie has in order to do her job well, but the trust and loyalty she has to those who should easily be locked up, but without them, other crimes wouldn't be able to be solved. Corruption is a tangled web, my friend.

There's more to this story than just the investigation as we learn about relationships between siblings, parents, and lovers. Do you really know your sibling? Parent? Lover? Friend? What could they truly be hiding from you? Do they genuinely believe in you?

With an unexpected twist that has you placing together each and every puzzle piece, you're brought through to a full circle. As the first in the series, I'm interested to see where else Matt Doyle leads Cassie Tam, and how her story continues unfolds. You won't want to miss out!