A review by blodeuedd
Clash of Eagles by Alan Smale


I like alternate history books. What if this, what if that? In this what if Rome never fell, instead it continued to conquer and spread its wings. And now the Northmen whose countries they also conquered bring tales about the land across the sea. Let's go forth and conquer.

But let's think about it, yes they can send a legion, but they are still alone in a vast land, getting picked of one by one. Yes they do have superior skills in some ways, but as you can see from the blurb it all goes to hell and Gaius is the only one left standing...

I admit, I know nothing about early American history, north at least. I know more about South American, I do know what the Hopi was up to, but this, nope, nothing. Like those mounds that Gaius come across and the author gave them more of a history now. And came up with some new interesting things too.

Of course this will all go to hell again wont it. Like Rome would let it go like that, like they let anything go. And then there is the fighting between tribes. I have no idea what this series will end like...no idea at all. But then he can invent anything really. I wonder if Rome will go fight the Aztects next. Ok I am digressing.

So this is a book about a stranger in a strange land, he needs to leans customs, language, and staying alive. He learns to appreciate a new culture all while knowing they might be doomed.
