A review by crookedtreehouse
All-New X-Men, Vol. 2: Here to Stay by Brian Michael Bendis


Continuing what is likely the best modern run on an X-book, Bendis continues to explore what it would be like for the original X-Men team to see the modern X-teams and how they shaped them by example. This volume focuses on Cyclops dealing with the fact that the older version of himself killed Professor X, Angel realizing that the older verson of himself had some sort of trauma that reset him to the point where he only identifies as Angel and not Warren Worthington, and Jean Grey coming to terms with her newly discovered telepathy, as well as the fact that she has died several times and is currently still dead.

The book isn't light in tone the way [b:Wolverine and the X-Men, Volume 1|13021244|Wolverine and the X-Men, Volume 1|Jason Aaron|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1486033364i/13021244._SY75_.jpg|18183850] is, but it's still fun. As usual Bendis favors character development and dialog over action, and it really works well on this title.

There's no reason to pick this up without having previously read volume one, so go get that first and enjoy the journey.