A review by audreychamaine
The Deathday Letter by Shaun David Hutchinson


Ollie has received his Deathday Letter. It's the letter that everybody gets on the day they are going to die, giving 24 hours of warning. In response, Ollie and his best friends, Shane and Ronnie, go for a last hurrah. They do a variety of fun, crazy things, like jump off a bridge, get high, and buying out three stores worth of pudding in the name of love. None of it changes the fact that Ollie will die, but it does give him the opportunity to make things right with the girl that got away.

I liked the idea of this book. How different would the world be if we all got notice of when we were going to die? I had a really tough time relating to Ollie, though. The relentless boy humor and talking about girls' anatomy really started to grate on my nerves after the first few times. I don't understand why so many male writers think talking about boobs and masturbation equals a good book for boys. Granted, women writers seem to fall into their own traps, but this makes it tough for me to stick with a book. I did like the other two main characters, Shane and Ronnie. I also wish more of the philosophy and mystery of the Deathday Letter had been explained. It got covered by the stoners, but I hoped Ollie would keep questioning throughout the rest of the book.