A review by gregfaxon
Authentic Content Marketing: Build An Engaged Audience For Your Personal Brand Through Integrity & Generosity by Paul Zelizer, George Kao


**3 Sentence Summary: Content production can be a loving act of service. Instead of trying to be unique, be yourself. Your job is simply to share what you’ve learned that may be helpful and then to build upon the ideas that your audience responds well to.

**My Thoughts: Can be read in under one hour. I love how George views content creation through a spiritual lens. His approach takes away so many of the sticking points that I see my clients and audience members struggle with. Well worth it.

**Key Takeaways:

“Don’t try to get attention. Be yourself and see who shows up.”

“your most effective volunteer hours, and your most effective charity dollars, might be to get your unique message to the people who need it most.”

Create casual content -> improve on what’s liked -> integrate and productize

“recognize how lucky you are that these people are willing to pay you their precious attention. There are so many articles they can read, millions of videos they can watch, or podcasts they can listen to. The spending of their time is the one currency that they won't get back.”

“Make your content for just one person at a time.”

“Perfectionism is continuous self-punishment, repeating the inner voice of a strict authority figure from your past.”

“Remember: when you create, you win, no matter what.”

“Stop asking yourself whether you’re ready. Instead, ask whether you see people struggling with something you already know.”

**Read this if: You want master the “inner game” of creating content. It will help you be more consistent and enjoy the process.