A review by corrie
Past Imperfect by Fletcher DeLancey


Fletcher DeLancey knows how to write sci-fi and write it well. It felt like I was on the bridge with Janeway and haven’t really seen any episodes of Star Trek Voyager for a long time it sure felt like meeting a dear old friend.

Past Imperfect is another example of fanfiction outclassing many published work by lightyears. DeLancey’s plot is engaging and intelligent and taps into that special Star Trek vibe that a real fan of the show will recognize in an instant. Her Kathryn Janeway, Seven of Nine, B’Elanna Torres and Tuvok are solid and come alive on the page. Even original character Lynne Hamilton was well fleshed out and felt like she belonged there. No small feat.

The book has everything you come to expect from a good Voyager episode like an alien encounter, life aboard Voyager, an adventurous away mission into unknown territory, emotional upheaval but also something Star Trek Voyager was never able to show us… a beautiful love story between two strong women.

Isn’t it glorious we have a gifted writer like Fletcher DeLancey who delivers all of that to us? And for free even? We are so damned lucky!


Themes: Star Trek Voyager, space the final frontier, I want a replicator and a holodeck for Christmas.

5 stars