A review by ameserole
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy


Pretty sure I've seen the movie before? Not 100% confident though.

Anna Karenina was one of those books that I dove into for a challenge. I could've sworn I had it on my TBR before I started it but I was completely wrong. Now this book was extremely long and I honestly couldn't tell you what I did while I was listening to this. Maybe working? Don't know.

In it, you will meet Anna. She is in an unwanted marriage and it wasn't all that surprising that she was also involved in an affair with Count Vronsky. She was a mysterious and complicated woman that no one truly knew. I thought her marriage was interesting and a little bittersweet. No idea how someone would ever feel if they were put in the positions of choosing their child or a loved one. So I definitely felt bad for her.

Besides her, you meet Levin. He is not hard to read at all due to him wearing his heart on his sleeve. He's kind of an open book and he was just simply adorable throughout the book. In the end, this book was entertaining and now I kind of want to re-watch the movie.