A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Frost by Kaitlyn Davis


The nightmare prompt of every reader that likes to keep their books look as brand new, even after having read them: Annotate this book. Thank you magical readathon for giving me that one. However, it gave me a nice excuse to grab a book that didn't really fit into any of the other prompts. So, I grabbed this book, grabbed a bunch of colored labels (writing in a book is a step too far) and I got started!

Let me say that annotating a book while reading is in my case not a good thing. It impacts the flow, it impacts how I can lose myself in a book, it makes reading a more targeted task instead of simply letting go. I will never ever do it again and I also think that at some point I might re-read this book without all the interruptions. Because I already loved it WITH the interruptions and I can only imagine I will love it even more without them.

In the previous series set in this world I missed the Davis writing style I loved so much a little, but in this book I recognized that writing style again. Beautiful sentences, straight from the hearts of the characters, filled with emotions, sorrow, pain and passion. All the sentences flow so nicely, Davis finds exactly the right words and even though it feels like an easy read it never feels like a simple or childish read. On the contrary.

And because of that emotional writing style, it's almost impossible not to get attached to the main characters, and especially Pandora. During the story we feel her frustration, her pain and all the hard decisions she had to make. When we eventually did discover why she had been running and what she had been running from exactly, I felt my heart breaking! I'm sure that, without the annotating, I might have shed a few tears!

I can't wait to dive into the next book!