A review by faileskye
Flex by Ferrett Steinmetz


I liked the book, it definitely deserves props for doing something new.

Turning magic into a delicate balancing act was interesting. On the one hand you have Harry Potter like anything is possible magic with no rules or basis. On the other hand any time someone uses the magic, it backlashes at whatever is most dear to the user. Unfortunately, the execution of this felt annoying, a broken record, beating the dead horse. It is important to the world and the story that this remained a focal point, but for some reason it just got annoying how it felt like eveyr other page the reader was stuck dealing with it. Do not get me wrong, though it was a little sluggish at times, I loved this new mechanic.

What was unforgivable, and likely what ruined my interest in the book was the interlude around 25% into the book. For whatever reason the author chose to add an interlude that showed a scene at around the 60% mark from another character's perspective. This spoiled what was going to happen! Basically once I read that, I stopped caring about the story until I caught up, so, you know a third of the book I didn't care about because I knew how it ended. And even once I caught up, I struggled to get back into it. Why do this?!

So I enjoyed the book, and I recommend it to anyone who likes the description or wants to try something completely new in the genre of I guess Urban Fantasy.