A review by hellsfire
Star Strike by Ian Douglas


This was probably my first hard sci-fi book I've ever read. As such, I didn't really care for that aspect of it. There was a lot of info dumping and while I like science, even it went over my head at times, not to mention slowed the story down.

The real problem I had with this book was that I didn't read or even know that there were two other trilogies that preceded it. My fault really. Ian Douglas did a good job at telling what happened before without bogging things down so I was able to easily follow it.

Info dumps aside, Star Strike read fast but it wasn't in the greatest, I can't wait to see what happens next way. It read fast because there was little characterization. Things were told and there was hardly any internalization or moments of feeling.

Star Strike wasn't a bad book but it wasn't a good one. It was rather eh. I might have cared more if I had read the previous two trilogies or I might have been disappointed that Douglas milked the series. I'm curious to see where it ends so I will pick up the other two books.