A review by devind9bde
Who You Were Meant to Be: A Guide to Finding or Recovering Your Life's Purpose by Lindsay C. Gibson


I rarely give self-help books 5 stars, but ‘Who you were meant to be’ is a stand out. I decided to read it after greatly benefiting from the author’s other book on dealing with emotionally immature parents and overcoming their toxic effects. My expectations were high (who has time to read mediocre self-help books?), and I was not disappointed.

Of course there were sentences that I didn’t agree with, but overall the ideas presented are extremely valuable. If the title resonates with you I highly recommend picking it up. Unfortunately the book is out of print and the ebook version has some annoying errors, but the errors are not a serious hinderance and it is easy to guess the correct word.

After reading this book I feel very nurtured and informed. The theme of Respect, Protect, Connect is useful to remember at low points of discouragement and frustration. I feel prepared for the challenges ahead and much more accepting and supportive (maybe even loving!) of myself as I am. Worth every penny.