A review by bibliogirl
Sophie Peterman Tells the Truth! by Robert Neubecker, Sarah Weeks


Reader, beware! There is stuff about smelly babies in this book. Sophie Peterman is very frank about what happens when her little brother comes home to stay, and she warns her audience in no uncertain terms not to be taken in as she was! Younger siblings are pirates, and they are monstrous. They do things you can't imagine, that you can't stand, and sometimes you get in trouble just for defending yourself! Plus, a little brother might eat your favorite marble. Which you will never, ever want to use again once you get it back...
Combining whimsical ideas with situations which seemed altogether too real to some students, Sarah Weeks has created a book which is easy to relate to, while Robert Neubecker's thick line drawings and bright colors enhance the mood. In the end, Sophie comes around to idea of a younger sibling, and students decided that she was being both principled and open-minded in the way she shared her ideas and accepted her little brother. Be prepared for a surprise ending. This is a great book choice for anyone welcoming a new baby into the family; best for kindergarten to second grade, though the humor was much appreciated by older students as well.