A review by ambeesbookishpages
Invincible by Amy Reed


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz closer to its release date!

**Please note: I recieved an eARC from the publisher via Edelweiss. All thoughts are my own**

I saw that this was a cancer story and I automatically thought this was going to have a The Fault in Our Stars vibe to it. It didn't, thank goodness. But Invincible isn't your average cancer story. Reed created a beautiful story about a girl who now has to learn how to live her life, after she was told it was over.

Invincible is split up into two parts. Now and Then. Then was my favorite part. Evie was so sweet and caring then. She loved her friends and her boyfriend and was grateful for what ever time she had left. Now was after Evie is released from the hospital after the cancer had gone away. I hate Evie in Now. She became addicted to drugs, treated the people who loved her the most like crap. It was hard to get through the book at that point. But Evie is also such a complex character that I can understand why the changed happened. I do hope that Evie will become bearable in the next book because I did enjoy this book other then the fact of her transformation.

Some parts of this book were really deep and hard to get through. Especially in the Then part. I was up at 3 in the morning sobbing as I read certain parts. I really felt bad for what Evie was going through. Then everything surrounding Stella's death happened and it broke my heart. This book was a major tear jerker for me. I cried through at least half of it. I was disappointed in the romance part though, but I can see that this book was more about Evie then her falling in love. Which was actually quite refreshing.

Overall I really liked Invincible. If I didn't find Evie to be so unbearable in the Now part I would have given it five stars instead of four. I am excited that there is another book. Hopefully Evie will grow more in it.