A review by asgard793
The Death of Homo Economicus: Work, Debt and the Myth of Endless Accumulation by Peter Fleming


I wanted to give this title a higher rating, I really did. Unfortunately, Peter Fleming filled the pages with bold claims that are backed up by little more than anecdotal evidence. Homo Economicus reads like a rage piece that is high on description and low on prescription. Interesting insights on the nature of wreckage economics, neoliberalism and work are diluted by tirades and digressions that tangle any attempt to focus the text. I will be thinking of his ideas related to the value of work, extreme individualism and runaway capitalism, but most of all, what the book might have been. I would say the book would work better as a series of essays, but then I forget if the author has anything beyond tangents masquerading as arguments. Read with a stiff drink.