A review by aceinit
Hawkeye, Vol. 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction


I've been reading comics for years but never picked up a "superhero" series, because I could never get behind the concept of secret identities and capes. But then came the MCU and my interest was piqued, but there were so many alternate universes and different titles for the same character that I had no idea where to start. Then, apparently, Marvel decided to reboot everything from scratch, so I started picking up a few titles focusing on Marvel's more famous faces.

Hawkeye was the first. I kept seeing previews for it and Aja's art around the net, and the style and humor intrigued me. This is an enormously fun series, showcasing what Clint Barton does when he's not being an Avenger. Which, not surprisingly, still involves a lot of arrow-firing action, getting kidnapped by SHIELD, cameos from the other Avengers, ninjas, and European Gangsters with an affinity for the word "bro." He also has a sidekick (well, not really, she is also known as Hawkeye from time to time) a young, spunky lady named Katie.

Fraction's storytelling is top notch, blending humor with heart and topping it all off with a healthy dose of snark. I am in love with Aja's art, and wish he handled the whole of the series. Pulido's work seems very cartoonish by comparison, and it makes for a stark contrast between issues.

Hawkeye will definitely be going on my monthly subscription list, and I look forward to future volumes.