A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
The Silent Cry by Anne Perry


Another William Monk/Hester Latterly installment in which Monk wonders, at length, about an awful lot of things. Generally to do with himself. I'm paraphrasing here but - Had he really been this type of person? Had he been that vindictive? Could he really have gone so far to ruin another person, for little or no reason? And so on.

Many more faces described via a statement regarding the eyes, nose and mouth, none of which gave so much as a basis for imagining the person's appearance. Plenty of too-long noses, unusual mouths, women who (again paraphrasing) "aren't beautiful but have a kind of vigor and intelligence that is far more interesting than mere beauty."

Also, I again identified one of the bad guys well before any paid investigator.

And yet I remain drawn to this series and will certainly continue. Surely one of these days Monk will quit being such a bastard and Hester will have a nice day.