A review by triscuit807
Shapers of Worlds by Shelley Adina, John C. Wright, Thoraiya Dyer, Tanya Huff, Jr., Derek Kunsken, Edward Willett, David Brin, David Weber, Julie E. Czerneda, Gareth L. Powell, Fonda Lee, Seanan McGuire, Dr. Charles E. Gannon, John Scalzi, Christopher Ruocchio, Joe Haldeman, D.J. Butler, L.E. Modesitt Jr.


3 stars. A few were very good, most were very average.
“Vision Quest” by Edward Willett-4 stars, 1st Contact story.
“Call to Arms” by Tanya Huff-5 stars, set in the Silvered universe. I love Mirian and the Pack.
“The Tale of the Wicked” by John Scalzi - 4 stars. AIs for the win
“The Farships Fall to Nowhere” by John C Wright - 2 stars
“Evanescence” by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. - 3 stars. Music and 1st Contact
“Peel” by Julie Czerneda -3 stars. Creation and madness
"The Knack of Flying” by Shelley Adina - 4 stars, enjoyable steampunk.
“Ghost Colours” by Derek Künsken - 3 stars. Hauntings.
“One Million Lira” by Thoraiya Dyer - 3 stars. Future snipers, dystopia.
“Pod Dreams of Tuckertown” by Gareth L. Powell - 3 stars. Future dystopia, price of memory.
“In Silent Streams, Where Once the Summer Shone” by Seanan Mcguire - 4 stars. Viruses.
“Welcome to the Legion of Six” by Fonda Lee - 3 stars. Superheroes.
“Good Intentions” by Christopher Ruocchio - 3 stars. Intentions have consequences.
“Shhhh . . .” by David Brin - 2 stars
“The Greatest of These is Hope” by D.J. Butler - 3 stars. 1st Contact and children.
“A Thing of Beauty” by Dr. Charles E. Gannon - 3 stars. Future dystopia, corporations.
“Home Is Where the Heart” Is by David Weber - 3 stars. Bargains and souls.
“Tricentennial” by Joe Haldeman - 4 stars, reprint. Space settlement and exploration.
I read this for my 2020 Reading Challenge (Popsugar 2020 "anthology") and for the Huff and McGuire stories.