A review by jswriter
In Sunlight or In Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper by Lawrence Block


It took me a while to read through this collection. I normally breeze through anthologies, but many of these took some time to digest. Many, many quality stories in here, and paring them with the Hopper paintings led an instant mood to each story.

I would recommend this collection to readers who like mysteries and the darker side of fiction, but who would like to find some new authors to try. There were many favorites of mine in here (Lansdale, Block, Deaver, etc) but some good finds. While King shows up and does King via noir, other authors like Block surprise you with a new tone or direction.

Not all of the stories worked for me. Joyce Carol Oates' story for instance was written in this cyclical, hypnotic fashion that was intriguing, but it felt like it dragged on for a little longer than it needed. Still, this collection boasts a great variety with a killer hook.