A review by olives_and_lilies
Nameless Woman: An Anthology of Fiction by Trans Women of Color by Olive Machado, DM Rice, Venus Selenite, Vita E, Kylie Ariel Bemis, Joss Barton, Jeffrey Gill, Carla Aparicio, Jamie Berrout, Catherine Kim, Serena Bhandar, Manuel Arturo Abreu, Emmy Morgan, Ellyn Peña, Gillian Ybabez, Dane Figueroa Edidi, Libby White, Lulu Trujillo, Michelle Evans, Saki, Luvia Montero, Jasmine Kabale Moore


You have to sit with this one, like, really let the stories hit you and sit with them. I was doing about two stories a week, really letting them resonate. Trying to read them while juggling school felt sacreligious. It felt like a betrayal to the tales. That’s, not a normal feeling for me. I had to wait for the term to finish before I could pick it back up and give it the attention it deserves. But I cannot begin to describe the scope of stories here, how often I laughed and cried and bled and related to it all. The emotions are recognizable, even when the situation is not. Take your time, some stories are confusing on the first pass, and maybe the second too. Not all of them will sit with you, but some of them will carve a new spot for themselves in your skin. I still can’t get the mental image of the ending of The Sixth World out of my head, and I read it months ago. It will catch me randomly at times, as I go about my day. I hope you find a story like that too, in these pages. I really do.