A review by rebecavleal
Dealing with Devils by Pembroke Sinclair


We went to this book expecting it to be like its prequel "The Appeal of Evil" but ended up finding it way more gripping. The world of this series develops so much, we learn a lot more about it and, therefore, gain a better understanding of some characters (as Josh, for example).

As it is we also see a lot of character development, mainly noticeable on Katy, whose personality becomes stronger throughout the book. "Dealing With Devils" shows us why she is the way she is and she, pardon my french, is a total bitch. Surpringly (or not), this comes as something very refreshing, Katy is far from being the typical heroine, actually, she just isn't a heorine at all! In this novel we get the chance to experience "the other side of the story" and this made us fly through the pages like some crazy!

We were slightly discomfortable with a specific aspect of the writting style though... "Dealing With Devils" is written in the 3rd person but Katy keeps asking herself questions as if she was the narrator. This did feel a bit odd to us...

Then there is Deb, Katy's best friend, who we see a lot more of too. She seemed emotionally unstable, someone who always wants to be on the spotlight and we guess that's why she falls for Braden so easily too. Braden, the typical demon taking advantage of her to get to Katy. They are secondary characters but we really appreciated the chance to learn more about them as to understand the storyline (which improved thourghout the book thanks to this) better.

Finally we finish the last chapter with a great cliff hanger that left us super excited for the next book (there better be one Pembroke Sinclair!).