A review by karieh13
Pulse by Patrick Carman


(By my 12-year old daughter.) I liked “Pulse” by Patrick Carman, but it had a very slow start. I kept waiting for it to start talking about a pulse and until then, it didn’t make a lot of sense. It was a little boring and had these random events occurring.

The main character is Faith Daniels, a teenager in high school in a world where books have been abandoned for Tablets. Faith and Liz go to the old grade school library, which is deserted, they read picture books – which in a world where everything is on a Tablet – makes them feel like they are in a different world.

Their lives don’t seem like anything special until something happens to Faith that changes everything. Once that happens, the book was a lot more interesting. There was a lot more action, and some fighting and I wanted to find out what happened.

Faith and Dylan were my favorite characters. If there is another book after “Pulse” I would want to read it to find out what happens to them.