A review by dozmuttz
Absolute All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder by Frank Miller


1.5 HOLY SHIT WHAT DID I JUST READ?!? First of all this isn't even a completed story so it boggles me that got an absolute edition. Im sure its mainly due to Jim Lee's artwork which is the ONLY good thing about this book. Its sad to say that this is one of Jim Lee's greatest works and Miller couldn't do something good. Jim knocks it out the park with just some of the best Batman artwork I've ever seen-scratch that, some of the best artwork in general, I've ever seen. I read this book digitally because I've only heard bad things about it so I didn't want to waste money on it. But I have say, Jim's artwork is so stunning I kinda want to pick up the absolute lol.
Its crazy to me that this was written by the same man who gave us not only the best Batman story ever, but one of the best comic stories ever, PERIOD. This was so out of character for a Batman tale. Really for a hero tale. Batman is insane. Like actually a psychopath. Franks writes such a heartless, unlikeable, cringe, maniac-like, Batman and I just don't know why. I'd like to think that this is another world where Batman is actually a cold hearted pyshco who is overly violent and egotistical. I'd like to think that this would be Batman if instead of becoming a hero after the death of his parents, he just went insane. These are the only things that can make sense to me. Frank had to have done this with that intent..right? It was a read that just made no sense and made me laugh because of how bad it is. You'd think partnering two big names like, Jim Lee and Frank Miller would make something so legendary, but sadly Jim is the only one holding his part up. Matter of fact Jim picks up Franks slack and does some of his greatest work. Only Jim Lee can make me want to buy a book because how kick-ass his work is even if the story is disgustingly terrible. Thanks Jim and as for Frank, this was NOT THE GODDAMN BATMAN.