A review by yousrabushehri
This Raging Light by Estelle Laure


Ok. I don't remember talking in riddles and quoting poets and being all lyrical and deep as a teenager. Nothing these characters said was straight up and clear. Everything felt like a puzzle that needed to be solved and explained. It kind of broke the flow of the writing because one minute the language was fluid and easy to follow, then your eyes hit a dense sentence that you need to reread to understand.

It was an overall tense and engaging storyline. You're left wondering what will happen next, chapter to chapter. And the story is broken up beautifully. I love that there were no "chapters", but everything was divided by days. It allows the reader to have a good timeline and scale of time when reading. That gives it a realistic quality that I enjoyed.

The drama in Lu's life seemed a little too much. But to be honest, I'm the last person to judge on that since I'm the kind of person who avoids conflict and high stress situations like a plague. What I can say about Lu, the main character, is that she is the right mix of teenage angst and brave woman. She has her annoying moments but she still pulls up her big girl pants and moves on with her responsibilities.

Overall, I don't know I'd read this again. It was a tad to "teen" for me (I'm 28). I just heard a lot of good things about it and if I were younger, even in my early twenties, I think it would have been one of my favourites.