A review by kricketa
Skin by Adrienne Maria Vrettos


I'm reviewing this book for work, which means it will end up being written up something like, "Donnie knows there is something terribly wrong with his sister. But as his fractured family attends to healing Karen's disease, Donnie feels himself growing more and more invisible. Will their father come home so they can be a family again before it's too late?"

But since I'm not at work NOW: it was only ok. Everything about this boy's life is a disaster: no friends, parents breaking up, dying sister. Somehow, though, it still focuses on the sister. Donnie wants to share the story of what happened to Karen, and in the end realizes that he got shoved aside during all this and needs to learn how to...function. Vrettos throws a lot in there and it's just a bit hefty. And when she tries to balance it out with humor, that doesn't go so well either.