A review by oddmara
Batman: Knightquest: The Search by Chuck Dixon


BRUCE WAYNE???? IN MY BATMAN BOOKS??? Didn't think it was possible, I'm not going to lie to you.
He's back and he's /not as bad as I thought he was going to be/. Blinded by love apparently which was one way to tackle this story. A bit blind for a man dubbed as the Greatest Detective, gets ignored once and his entire world is sent crumbling down, bit of a Jean-Paul and Bane moment.
All of my favourite characters got name-dropped here and were actually active in the story so honestly, a girl is very happy. I got my Tim and Gordon interaction, with Gordon (FINALLY) realizing Batman isn't /his/ batman. My Shiva mention. At least I think it's Shiva. I hope it's Shiva. She will be Bruce's teacher and he'll get absolutely wrecked.
When he's tied to a pole and trying to convince Hood to help him??? Amazing. I loved seeing him struggle and be in pain and find new ways to fight, it was honestly such a compelling character arc and I was gasping left and right every single time he got hit. Alfred resigning. Please come back. I'm sure he will. I also really liked Hood, wish they'd made him more British though. He uses "mate" once and that kind of reminds us that he's supposed to be English. Cop out.
Shondra!! The woman we didn't fridge!! She was cool, really didn't see where the hell Bruce fell in love with her, but it's fineeee because he's back and alive. Self described as Gotham's klutziest playboy. Also not sure why all those supporting characters were on that island. The Black Cannary's to my Batgirls.
Jean-Paul. Useless. HOWEVER. Bruce finding out Jean-Paul almost killed Tim? Riveting. Give me all the angst. Let him find out that another one of his sons almost died. (also Tim not wanting to tell Bruce everything that was happening because he didn't want to hurt Bruce, and then Tim running after Jean-Paul because he disrespected both Bruce and Batman?? good. yes.)