A review by booktallie
Fallout by Gwenda Bond


Gwenda Bond brings a new side of telling the story of Superman’s love in the first edition of Lois Lane: Fallout. Bond starts from the begging where Lois Lane is still in high school and is just starting her journey into the world of public relations and news media. Bond creates an interesting plot entwined with mystery, corruption and power greed.

Army brat Lois Lane, fresh into yet another school because she's simply too precocious for her own good, gets involved with the Daily Planet and begins reporting on a bullying epidemic at her school. The principal, a caricature of corruption, is somehow in on it or at least overly tolerant of it, and Lois sees that this might be some big corporate mind control gig. She, along with her online friend "SmallvilleGuy," and fellow media staff members, James, Maddy, and Devin, end up trying to bring down the whole operation.

While Lois Lane: Fallout is a decent YA read on its own right, the comic-style plot and really workmanlike prose leaves a wanting for more. Though Bond stays true with Lois Lane’s inquisitive mindset and curious nature, the plot is rudimentary and at times just plain boring. Being a mystery and thrill, Bond’s plot is so basic, that the mystery pretty much gives its self away in the first few chapters.

Even with such an undeveloped story plot, Bond does an amazing job sticking true to all the characters natures. From Lois Lane never taking no as an answer to James’s snobby attitude, to SmallvilleGuy’s secretive mindset, Bond show each character as an individual with their own problems and issues. The small details in each of these characters shows how much Bond is dedicated them. Overall Lois Lane: Fallout does a decent job with the story and is a gateway, perhaps, into comics, especially for teen girls. If the plot was better, it might rise above standard mystery technothriller.

Even with the book’s faults, the entertaining read still has my interest peak, if only because of the characters and I look forward to reading Gwenda Bond sequel when it arrives.