A review by jacki_f
Exposure by Helen Dunmore


After a slow start when you're not quite sure what's going on, this book wraps its tentacles around you and barely lets you breathe. It's set in London in 1960, when the Cold War is at its height and suspicions are high. Simon Callington works in a low level position at the Admiralty. He is happily married to Lily, a part time teacher, with three children. Their life is quiet but happy.

One night Simon receives a panic-stricken call from a colleague and old friend, asking him to do him a favour. A seemingly innocuous request, but one that will lead to Simon being charged with espionage. Lily is left to look after the family on her own and to deal with the judgement of colleagues and neighbours. You are really pulled into her situation and I just adored her strength and courage. We the reader know that Simon is innocent but it's hard to see how things can possibly resolve themselves and the tension levels are high.

This is the second book I've read by Helen Dunmore and I really love the way that she brings her characters to life. You feel like you know them so well, that you can see and even smell them. She also creates a terrific sense of place. I was kind of surprised to look up from my book and find myself back in 2015, so deeply was I immersed in the setting.

I received a copy for review via Net Galley.