A review by carnisht
Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko


Womp womp. This book really lost the magic of the first book for me sadly. I just could not get invested. With the first book, I was pretty quickly into the story. With this one, though, I just did NOT want to read it… at all. I had to force myself to pick it up everyday. My only reason I can think of as to why is, potentially, the loss of Natalie.

The main conflict of this book was that Moose had to repay the favor to Capone, but… he did that by giving his wife the roses… at the halfway point of the book. The whole book had been leading up to this, and then it happened halfway through. After this the plot became basically nothing? Like I can’t even identify a through line of a plot. There’s a major conflict at the END of the book, but nothing really for the back half besides that.

Moose also had some smaller, more personal conflicts, but I really didn’t care for these much either. Annie was mad at him for getting help from Capone, Jimmy was jealous about his mainland friend, Scout, and then Piper was just being Piper. I mean, each of these conflicts added a slight plot to the book, but I found them dull and unexciting compared to Moose’s conflict with Capone.

For more of my thoughts on this book, check out