A review by emilyyjjean
The Dinosaur Knights by Victor Milán


I really enjoyed reading this book; I think it's a great continuation of [book:The Dinosaur Lords|19000898]. It's very interesting with lots of action, some twists, and of course...dinosaurs!

I disliked Melodia in the first one; I thought she was selfish and mean. But throughout this story she really grew in personality. There are a lot of characters in this book, and the story never got stagnant because of this. I think the author did a great job of transitioning to each individual story (allotting the right amount of time for each one) and did a superb job of bringing them together towards the end!

The only thing that slightly bothered me was the use of so many dinosaur names: scientific and slang names made up for this book. Especially when they were intermingling within the same paragraph and even sentence. I found myself searching the internet a lot to remember what name went with what dinosaur. I could remember a few slang names, but I also found myself picturing one dinosaur and then eventually finding out later that I had been picturing the wrong kind. If you're very familiar with dinosaurs I guess this wouldn't be a problem, but since I'm not strongly familiar it sometimes made the story confusing.

I really enjoyed reading the chapters that were set in Shiraa's point of view. I wish there would've been more!

All in all this was a really great story. I had my doubts at first; I thought it would be boring and worse than the first one, but I am definitely putting the third onto my 'want to read' list!