A review by villianess
Rage of the Fallen by Joseph Delaney


While Tom, Alice and John Gregory are in Ireland they are called upon to get rid of Jiggers which are spirits that are caught in the dark after being murdered or committing suicide and under a spell to torment the minds of those that come when they died. They are making money for their work and setting up a trap for the Fiend or Devil. They need the help of Grimalkin. Alice has to use dark magic to contact her through mirrors. Although this doesn't bode well with The Spook, it is necessary if Tom and Alice are going to be free of the Blood Jar, which had been cracked while dealing with a Jigger. Time is running out and the Fiend is getting closer and closer.
When Alice is captured by the Fiend, Tom is drawn into a trap that may well end his life as a Spooks Apprentice and start his life as a servant of the Devil.