A review by thebookaneer
Bending the Willow: Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes by David Stuart Davies


This book was incredibly sad. It chronicles the life of Jeremy Brett, a personal hero of mine, as he wrestles with the character of Holmes throughout his career, from energetic, inspired and intellectual performances in the early episodes to his untimely death.

It is easy to romanticize Brett as Holmes, picturing him struggling with the character as he has so often described, and that the struggle is what drove him to several mental breakdowns, but it was not so. His manic depression, along with the death of his wife and his failing health impaired his continued battle to faithfully portray the detective and live a full and healthy life.

This is a loving, but second and third hand story of his decline. I wished I could speak to Brett myself and ask him, but this is the closest we will get.