A review by bhall237
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde


“MRS. CHEVELEY. Ah! the strength of women comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men can be analysed, women merely adored.
SIR ROBERT CHILTERN. You think science cannot grapple with the problem of women?
MRS. CHEVELEY. Science can never grapple with the irrational. That is why it has no future before it, in this world.”

Oscar Wilde knows how to write plays unlike any I’ve read thus far. I was hooked into this play from the first act to the last and I could not wait to turn the page and see what came next. Just about all the characters are flawed and have a major obstacle in their current predicament and it makes for some exquisite drama that had me fully immersed into the world of Robert Chiltern and company.

The biggest flaw of this play is sadly the final act, and really only the last few pages of that. Everything is just too neatly wrapped up, and the element of the real world drama and issues individuals face was wiped clean by the happy ending that was given.

Besides that and overall, I loved this play and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves plays or dramas for that matter.