A review by magyklyxdelish
Weird Dream Society: An Anthology of the Possible & Unsubstantiated in Support of RAICES by Kathrin Köhler, Nathan Ballingrud, Sofia Samatar, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Michael J. DeLuca, A.C. Wise, Matthew Kressel, Steve Toase, Julie C. Day, Sarah Read, Carina Bissett, Gemma Files, Gregory Norman Bossert, Nin Harris, A.T. Greenblatt, Premee Mohamed, Jordan Kurella, James Patrick Kelly, Emily Cataneo, Christopher Brown, Karen Bovenmyer, Chip Houser, Marianne Kirby


First i would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

First I want to say the introduction was beautiful. The cause the proceeds of this book go to is wonderful.

I love short story collections and I love weird stories. Stories that aren't the typical status quo you find on every bookshelf. I live for stories that make you think. I love unreliable narrators. This book contains stories that have all of those things.

Skin like carapace and Crossing were both beautiful stories that made my heart soar. Crossing was a breath of fresh air in an LGBTQ+ coming of age story. That story alone is reason enough to purchase this book honestly.

My love of reading stories with unreliable narrators was met in Jewel of the Vashwa. That one left me with my jaw on the floor with a twist I didn't see coming.

Thin Places was a gut wrenching look at loss. "when you're in mourning it hurts that things don't always hurt" -- man i felt that.

The Hoof Situation was an incredible look at aging and trying to hold on to your youth.

The Bricks of Gelecek is the one that actually made me cry. The story was so unique. Told from the point of view of destruction who falls for creation or at least thats how I interpreted it.

That's not to say there weren't stories i didn't like. The first story had me worried going into this book as it was slow and didn't hook me or interest me at all.

Overall this is a solid collection that I would be happy to add to my bookshelf and would recommend other lovers of story collections add to theirs