A review by jigsawgirl
Cowboy in a Kilt by Kait Nolan


This book was perfect timing for me to read after the holidays. I needed something low stress, low angst, and enjoyable.

The way Raleigh and Kyla's story started out, I actually was expecting a lot more drama. I had a lot of admiration for the way Raleigh took a really bad situation and made it something special. He seemed to have a knack for it, including his relationship with Kyla. I had no ideas how she waa going to resist him.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like Kyla in the beginning, but once she and Raleigh put their plan into motion, Kyla became much less brittle.

I liked the small town feel of this book. The family relationships, the friendship, the way Raleigh integrated into the town all left a very heartwarming feeling. I loved that Zeke and Charlotte were there for him too.

I liked the way Raleigh and Kyla's relationship developed, leading them to their HEA. I am looking forward to Malcolm and Charlotte's story. I am wondering if Zeke and Pippa will get a story, or even Connor and Sophie. The real question is what happened or is going to happen with Afton?

I voluntarily read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy received via Booksprout.